Hey there! I'm Bridget, a recent BSc. Computer Science graduate from Salem State University in Salem, MA, where I concentrated in intelligent systems and minored in math and physics. I work at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard doing (mostly) data visualization. Since I have an undeniable love for physics, I'm also working on one of MIT's physics education research projects at my alma mater.

In my spare time, I love to learn languages, hike, and draw (while I'm not reading).

Thanks for stopping by!
Get in touch with me at [email protected]
Click on any project to expand.
Sproutling: Automating Plant Care with Android and Arduino
Android Arduino Automation Embedded Systems UI/UX
My capstone project, an automatic plant watering system that combines an Arduino-based hardware device with a mobile Android application.
Three key screencaps of the final mobile product: the initial landing screen (left), the landing screen with a new plant (center), and the settings screen (right).
Self-Driving Raspberry PiCar
Automation Embedded Systems Computer Vision Raspberry Pi Linux
My final project for the Robotics and Computer Vision course CSC 485 at SSU: an autonomous, self-driving Raspberry PiCar.
This project involved assembling the Raspberry PiCar kit and programming it using Python to achieve autonomous, self-driving functionality. The implementation utilized computer vision and image processing techniques, leveraging the PiCamera module and methods like edge detection. (1) An intermediate image of the car's vision feed after performing image processing to detect the track. (2) An image of the car's final path, plotted using OpenCV and numpy. (3) The car on its calibrating loop track.
MBTA Trip Planner
Full Stack Development MERN UI/UX
My final project for SSU's Software Engineering CSC 300 course: a route planner website for using the MBTA system.
The main page (right), a trip plotter for using the MBTA system. Previously hosted on Render, this page uses Dijkstra's algorithm on a custom-designed graph of MBTA stations to plot and display the optimal route. This project used the MBTA's API to pull real-time data as well as the Radar API (left) for its location search functionality.
Base Converter
Python Command Line Tool Algorithms
A simple but fully developed command line tool for converting a positive decimal integer to any radix between 2 and 16.

This program was developed as part of my CSC 295 Computer Architecture course at SSU. It is executed from the command line and takes two decimal integers as input: the integer to be converted and the radix. > python base_converter.py INTEGER RADIX The output for integers 4 and 2 is shown below. 4 in base 2 is 100.